Ready to embark on your strong bones journey?

Welcome to a future where osteoporosis doesn’t define what you can and can’t do. When you embrace a strong bones mentality, you take back the power to live your best life.

Join a free, worldwide community of women who have embraced the Strong Bones Challenge.

Nothing will make more of a difference in your Strong Bones journey than support, community, and camaraderie. Join 20k+ like-minded women from around the world who embrace the power of strength and movement. Whether you’re looking for exercise ideas, want to celebrate a recent win, or simply need to be amongst people who “get it” , The Strong Bones Challenge Facebook group is ready and waiting for you.

Practice bone-strengthening yoga
anytime, on demand.

With over 100 classes of various lengths and themes, the ForeverYoga YouTube channel has become a go-to resource for thousands of women who want to increase bone density, improve balance and decrease stress and anxiety.

Whether you are new to yoga, a seasoned practitioner, in great shape, or dealing with physical limitations, you’ll find a class that’s challenging but doable—and most of all, just right for you.

Craft Your Strong Bones Strategy

Ready to create a purposeful, individualized program that will leave you feeling stronger, more confident, and hopeful about the future?

Let's work together to set up a customized plan that will prioritize your current needs and future aspirations. We’ll co-create a safe and confidential space for you to share your story, your concerns, and your goals. Your action plan could include physical workouts, diet adjustments or lifestyle changes. You’ll walk away feeling fully in control and optimistic about your health—specifically your bone health.

What People Are Saying…

“I was looking for resources to help me increase bone density. As a long-time workout enthusiast, I was excited to see solutions. I didn't want to believe that medication was the only direction, and now I know it isn't. As a coach, Susannah presents information simply with reliability. Her approach is motivating and keeps me engaged with a plan of action.” 

~Jill R., Charlotte, NC